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Restoration of antique railway models and ship models

We restore antique model trains and accessories (especially Märklin), nostalgic model ships, model planes, and tin and cast cars. We specialize in the models that were built prior to 1960.
The restoration of your items may include technical repairs, replacement of missing or badly damaged parts, and paintwork.

Research for the reconstruction of the models

Here you can have a look at an example of the quality of our work:

During the 1990s, a customer approached us, asking for the restoration of this ship.

Merely the hull had remained, while the body was missing completely and had simply been replaced by a cardboard.

We started looking for another specimen of the ship in order to use it as a model for the necessary restorations.

In an antique shop in London we finally managed to find a book that included a picture of the ship. It enabled us to start the reconstruction.

True-to-scale restoration of the antique models

By comparing the measures of the hull to the measures of the picture, we were able to calculate all the measures of the missing body parts.

Through complicated and detailed craft work we managed to rebuild the complete ship.

Determination of the original true colours

After completing the work on the tin body, the next challenge was to mix colours that would perfectly match the colours found on the hull.

We didn’t simply want the colours of hull and body to be identical, but also restore the damage in the colouring of the hull.

Today, our customer is happy to have the ship in his display case. The precision and detail of its craftwork can surely be called unique.

We are happy to restore your items as well and look forward to hearing from you!

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